Thursday, July 2, 2009

11:10 PM Thurs. July 2, 2009

I am back at Teri's house and can't seem to fall asleep yet, whereas I am missing her lots! Mom is staying over night at the hospital, so Dad, Brittany and I are holdin down the fort. Sacrifice for the parents to be here not sleeping in their own beds, but it's nothing compared to what Sister is enduring. So because I can't sleep, I am going to blog a little bit and add some more to the updates given earlier.

Teri came out of recovery at about 7:00, and it was tough! She was very pale, shaking like a leaf, and very drugged with pain meds and anti-nausea meds. They got her situated in a room downstairs, and she slowly began improving a little at a time. She had lots of visitors to help her along the way. She even began joking and reminiscing at one point with college friends, Jo and TJ. By the time many of us left, Teri was awake, drinking lots of water and asking for a cheeseburger! Good signs for sure!

I know many of you will be interested in visiting Teri and as you know, she appreciates everyone's efforts to see her and support her. Right now it looks like she will stay at ST. Francis until Friday evening/night, provided that she is managing her pain with meds that can be given at home. Hopefully she will be showing some interest in going home herself, but we certainly don't want to rush things.

As we continue to support her first, also please remember to support each other. The past 3 weeks have been a whirlwind for sure and all of us have needed different levels of support at different times. Most important is Teri, and we need to take care of each other, so we can take care of her. Not sure if I said what I meant to say, but hopefully you get my drift.

Well, I am feeling a little incompetent right now because Teri is always so good at topping off her news with inspirational words or sayings, and I am dumbfounded! Maybe it's because I am overwhelmed at the day's events, but all I can come up with is "faith can move mountains" and the one we are about to move is BIG! Continue your prayers and words of encouragement, and we'll be on the other side in no time.

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