Sunday, August 9, 2009

God continues to bless me!

Here we are three days following my second treatment of Chemo therapy and a five hour blood transfusion to replenish my red cells and I feel great! Once again, no real side effects other than the low energy. I even made it through my 25th class reunion last night! It was great to see friends that we only see once every five years or so. A good time was had by all and better yet, my hair held up! yeah!

This morning, I am losing my hair! The clumps are coming out faster and thicker. Not sure what the plan is going to be due to the fact that I am returning to work at safeco for a couple of hours today to see if I can handle it! Wear my hat I suppose and pray that it holds whatever I have left! Will definitely go for the clean shave tonight or tomorrow am! The bible says, "God knows every hair on our heads." He will have to be extra busy with me because he will have to know every new hair on my head too! Again, God continues to bless me!

Please continue to pray for my emotional and physical strength. The hair is temporary but effects me psychologically. I also need the physical strength to try and work a little during this 10 game homestand at the safe! Thank you all my friends, family and followers! Without you, I am lost!


  1. All you have to do is flash that beautiful smile and no one will even see your hair!

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed your reunion and hope that today wasn't too much for you. So there goes the hair; look at as a reprieve from shampoo and mouse. It will be back honey (easy for me to say huh) and at least you're not going grey like your brother (oww - that'll cost me). LOVE & HUGS, Shar

  3. Hey you made it through the game...I was so proud of you today .... It was great to see you enjoying your time at safeco and not having to think about anything just the game... What a beautuful bald head you have even short hair is becoming.. I will pray for your strenght during this time since I know it will be hard with all the questions and just the reflection in the mirror don't worry it will be back in no time...
    love you Clo

  4. So great to see you at the reunion! You are a strong and brave woman...very inspiring to me! Saw the pics with the new hair--awesome! Keep us all updated. We are praying hard for you! Kelly

  5. Teri, even when you lose your hair, God still counts and knows how many 'folicles' you have that hold each hair that will be there in the future. So no matter how much hair is showing - doesn't matter - God cares for you totally.

    You are normal to have the no hair affect you psychologically. Can you talk to someone who has gone through the same thing? That would help a lot.

    I am praying for strength for you and also the fever you are fighting at this time. Our church, RCC, received the prayer request and we are praying for your strength and complete healing.
