Friday, August 7, 2009

Drip Drip Drip

Well, here I am receiving my first pint of red stuff! Nothing hurts, the nurses are wonderful and very personable! I love that! (Another blessing) Sister, nurse Tami is here with me and nurse Taylor will be here later! Total time for the transfusion will be 6 hours so I am going to try and get some planning done for school! Can you believe it is here already.... Can't wait to see the kids and my friends!

No real side effects from the second chemo yesterday. Feel a little woozy but no vomiting. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your support through your comments on my blog, your consistent "Im thinking of you!" text messages, phone calls, and cards! I love you all so much!

Hopefully, if I continue to feel better, I am going to work a few hours at Safeco starting Sunday! I miss my friends and those Mariners! I have been gone so long over half the boys are new!

Until this weekend, love and thanks to all!

1 comment:

  1. OK - so I talked to Tami last night and she didn't say a word about this transfusion crap....Oh well, just another hurdle you're handling like a pro. The hair is cute - I too can't remember but I do have adorable pic of you and Tam both @ about 4 years old with short hair.....Sending lots of love and HUGS and praying that the nausea gets better as the days go by. I know you're dying to get back to Safeco - just let them pamper you honey.....Shar
