Saturday, June 27, 2009

There are four days until surgery. I met with my radiation oncologist and he helped to confirm that my most favorable chances with this type of cancer is to have a bilateral mastectomy. So, next Thursday is the day. Check in at 6:30 am and will head home some time within the following two days.

Emotions have really run the gammet over the last couple of days... for the most part, I am upbeat and positive and expect the best, but some days have been hard. Again, I am so thankful for friends, family and all those who show endless support and encouragement.

PSVBC rocks! The party was fun and I was thrilled to see my girls, John, and all those who we have had the opportunity to work with through this past season! Thank you!


  1. Teri,

    My name is Kari. I am Rick Priest's wife. I, too, am battling breast cancer and have been since my diagnosis April 9th. Know that with your surgery you are on a path to healing and recovery. Wonderous things are being done in the battle against breast cancer. Hold tight to those who love and support you as they will be your lifeline through the tough spots. Know that many are praying for you and hold you close in their hearts, including me! You WILL beat breast cancer! We didn't choose this path but courage and belief that you will be cancer free will carry you through!

    Love and prayers from a fellow survivor!

  2. Teri, You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am so glad that I finally got to catch up with you last Friday, along with Erin :) Let your "Wellspring family" know if you need anything. You are a strong, beautiful woman who we all can admire. Staci

  3. Teri,
    As the day approaches I know you will make this journey a positive one, for you will touch so many peoples lives and they will all be behind you the whole way . I pray for you and know you are strong and this will not keep you down.
    Love, clo
