Monday, June 29, 2009

The Power Of God's word and Prayer!

RCC, Pastor Brett Hollis, and my church family, prayed together and annointed me with oil on Sunday morning. It's always so amazing to me that no matter how regularly you attend church (Or don't attend), the weekly sermon is personally addressed to you! The scriptures that are really guiding my strength are from this week's sermon: Phillipians 4:6-8, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your minds. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things..." What a peace I have been able to attain over the last two days and will continue to thirst for!

In addition to prayer, I was blessed by those who came to share their stories, show encouragement, and continue to offer to help.... Brenda Myers and Judy Terry. Thank you!

Reese's dance recital really reminded me of how important little ones are to our lives! She was so cute!

Today, a great friend gave me a massage and I received my weekly dose of reflexology! Thank you ladies and thank the Lord for the Eastern world of natural health!

Tomorrow, I will see Dr. Gould for my pre-op appointment to finalize my plans for surgery. I will also receive my tests results from the BRAC -1 and 2 analysis to determine my possible genes for Ovarian cancer.


  1. Mary let Michelle and I know what was happening and I have read your blog. I am praying for your healing.
    Thank you for sharing this very personal journey with us all.

  2. You don't know me, but I was searching for blogs in Federal Way and came across yours. It is amazing how God can work. You see I personally know the Hollis family. There son Brady and My son Joe have been best friends since before kindergarten, and they both start High School this coming year. I personally will also pray for you and Gods peace through this time in your life.

    A brother in Christ
