Monday, February 22, 2010

I am ALIVE!!!!

It has been awhile since I have visited you all on my blog!!! My apologies. Working full time, coaching again, and helping with our neices has needed my time and attention. Those activities have also helped me feel more like my normal self as well as keep my thoughts positive! You have all been missed!

As far as the "C" word, I am almost done with treatments. December 30th marked the official end to my chemotherapy treatments. We celebrated with sparkling cider and cheers with all of my nurses, friends and family. The long lasting relationships developed there have added education, laughs, tears, and fun to my journey!

My hair is growing little by little and my head is not so cold anymore, especially at night! Yahooo! Saving money on hair products, minimal styling, and no bad hair days continue to be cause for positive thinking!

Currently, I am at the half way mark for radiation treatments. (Completed 15 of 30 visits). As I have posted so many times, I am very pleased and blessed with nurses and Dr. B! Treatments are daily and I see the Doc. every Wednesday. Love those peeps!

There have not been any additional side effects from radiation but some of the side effects in general continue.... I can't tell you the last time I slept for a good 6-8 hours, mostly due to hot flashes and anxious thoughts. In addition, I am exhausted most of the time. On occassion, I still don't have much of an appetite and my body aches like I'm 80! None the less, I am still blessed! There have been no major set backs and no signs that treatments are not working!!!!! Family, friends, co-workers and teammates at Safeco: You encourage me, support me, love me, and help keep me going! THANK YOU!

Besides what I have learned about my own Breast Cancer, I have learned a ton about Breast Cancer in general and have been given so many opportunites to meet new friends, participate in support organizations, share my story, and expand my knowledge about cancer. Amazing when you stop and think that such a devastating disease can have a good side!

Please keep my friends who share this journey with me in your thoughts and prayers! Strength, wisdom, hope, faith and positive focus are characteristics that carry us so far but are so difficult at times to rely on. Circumstances and obstacles cannot be changed but our thoughts can be!

L: I hope for you all you need to get through the next ten minutes! Miss you! You Inspire me and encourage me!

Will do my best to return soon! Until then, live every day without regret and with all the laughter, love and life possible!

1 comment:

  1. I love you Teri Tuttle! Your strength, attitude, sense of humor & humility is inspirational. Thank you for updating your blog woman! :)

    xoxoxoxo Kim Redford
